tisdag 1 september 2009

Good hair day! Woohoo!

I've been working today. I had a genuinely gooood hairday! Wow, that hasn't happened for ages! The very first customer that I helped today was an old man. He didn't say a word. Didn't look at me, then as he was about to leave he looked up and out of the blue said:

-You are a very very sweet young lady. I wish I was twenty so I could propose to you.

Then he walked away. Wowee, that made my day. The a guy my own age swooched by, stopped, turned around and said:

-I really like your hairdo. Really nice!

Biig smile on my face.

Later a middle aged woman walks up to me, starts to ask me something, and in the middle of the sentence says:

-Your hair is so cute!

As a bonus lots and lots of my collegues gave me heartwarming comments. Now that is a recipe for a goood day! I just wish I was less lazy, if I were, you would see some nice pictures of the do, instead of crappy photobooth pictures.

Later folks, I have a date with a bag of candy.

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Jo, det var riktigt snyggt! Imorgon är det onsdag! Flätdagen! Du skrev om det, och även 0m jag inte är med i flickr-gruppen så flätar jag på onsdagen :))

Make Me Up sa...

Söta du! Det är klart du ska fläta på onsdagar! Vi gör det till en världsomspännande tradition! :)



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